"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Are the Guardian Angels still active?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"These days the Guardian Angels have Chapters in Thirteen Countries and over one hundred cities."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who is the founder of Guardian Angels?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The Guardian Angels is a non-profit international volunteer organization with the goal of unarmed crime prevention. The Guardian Angels organization was founded on February 13, 1979, in New York City by Curtis Sliwa. Since then, it has expanded to more than 130 cities and 13 countries worldwide."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What channel is the angel FM on?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Angel 102.9 FM Accra (Online Radio) | Modern Ghana."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What channel is Angels Radio?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Listen to Angels Radio AM830 on the radio, on am830.net, or the Angels Radio AM830 app!"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What station is the watchful eye on?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"More than meets the lie. All episodes of #TheWatchfulEye out now on Freeform. Stream on Hulu."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What station is wisn?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"News/Talk 1130 WISN - Milwaukee's News/Talk Station."}}]}}

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (2024)

On-Air: Sundays 9PM-10PM

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (1)

In the late 1970’s, New York City was a modern-day equivalent of the Wild West. Murder and violent crime were the norm. A trip on the Subway was an exercise in urban survival. Residents of the city resigned themselves to the reality as the politicians and police seemed powerless.

However, a young man from Brooklyn, a former Jesuit student, felt someone had to do something. Curtis Sliwa stepped forward. He knew that the city he was born in, the city he loved, deserved better. Curtis Sliwa acted.

What started as a group of him and a dozen other dedicated volunteers riding the subways of New York to serve as protectors of everyday law-abiding citizens, grew into the “Guardian Angels” that residents of the Big Apple have come to know and love. With their distinctive Red Berets, they are as New York as Central Park or a potato knish. They operate under the motto “we dare to care” and have proved it over and over through the years, in some cases with their lives.

These days, the Guardian Angels have chapters in thirteen countries and over one hundred cities. While the original hometown group of thirteen has grown to thousands across the globe, the mission has not changed: to make a positive change in the community by involving members of our communities to step forward and take an active role. While the classic street patrols are the lifeblood of the organization, we all know that reaching the youth in our neighborhoods, especially the most at risk, is crucial. Once again, the Guardian Angels is meeting the need.

The “Junior Angels” program, their youth outreach programs, and their Washington Heights Community Center, provides help for kids with everything from homework to nutrition while getting them actively involved in their community. What Curtis Sliwa believed back in the beginning and till this day is that when people take an active role in their community, it makes things better for all of us.

Curtis Sliwa Show

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (2)

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show

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The Curtis Sliwa Show | 07-28-24


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  1. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (3)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 07-28-24


    Jul 29

  2. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (4)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 07-21-24


    Jul 22

  3. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (5)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 07-14-24


    Jul 15

  4. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (6)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 07-07-24


    Jul 08

  5. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (7)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-30-24


    Jul 01

  6. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (8)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-23-24


    Jun 24

  7. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (9)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-16-24


    Jun 17

  8. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (10)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-09-24


    Jun 10

  9. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (11)

  10. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (12)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-26-24


    May 27

  11. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (13)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-19-24


    May 20

  12. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (14)

    Attorney Al D'Amato | 05-16-24


    May 16

  13. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (15)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 3PM Show | 05-16-24


    May 16

  14. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (16)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-12-24


    May 13

  15. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (17)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-05-24


    May 06

  16. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (18)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-28-24


    Apr 29

  17. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (19)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-21-24


    Apr 22

  18. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (20)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-14-24


    Apr 15

  19. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (21)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-07-24


    Apr 08

  20. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (22)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-31-24


    Apr 01

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"; } textArea.value = iframeStylesheet + iframeHTML; document.body.appendChild(textArea); textArea.select(); try { var successful = document.execCommand('copy'); } catch (err) { } document.body.removeChild(textArea); console.log("Player Embed Code has been copied to your clipboard."); }); //------------------------------------------------- //jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#play-btn-8").click(function(){ console.log('play button clicked : 8'); show_hide_trailer_common_func(); //jQuery('#single_podct_trailer').remove() if (firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_8) { var link_id = 'jp-playlist-8-0-357357'; var current_linkObject = document.getElementById(link_id); jp_playlist_episode_8(current_linkObject,false); } //------------------------------- //WPB-435 //console.log('js code >> play button.'); //first call this. //console.log(eval('gotADS_8')); if (typeof gotADS_8 !== 'undefined' && eval('gotADS_8')) { hideAudioPlayerShowVideoPlayer('8'); } //------------------------------- }); //}); //End of ready....//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------var gotVideo_8 = false; //WPB-435 //var gotADS_8 = true; //define into common php code file.var debugDivObj_playlist_8 = document.getElementById('debug_playlist_player_8'); var firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_8 = true; //global variable.var ckDomain = 'wabcradio.com'; var episode_first_playlist_id_8 = 'jp-playlist-8-0-357357'; //WPB-435 var p_id_8 = ''; // WPB-6002 var midRollExists_8=false; var postRollExists_8=false; var currentlyPlaying_8 = ''; var m_audio_8 = ''; var m_id_8 = ''; var m_title_8 = ''; var po_audio_8 = ''; var po_id_8 = ''; var po_title_8 = ''; var original_e_audio_8 = ''; var original_e_title_8 = ''; var midPausedTime_8 = ''; var midrollplaying_8 = false; var midrollplayed_8=false; var midRollDuration8=''; var playedAfterMid8=false; var mid_endedTime8; var original_endedTime8; var bothOff_8=false; var currentKeyIndex_8; var lastIndex_8=0; var lastPreroll_8=false; midrollplayed_8=false;// ============================================================function jp_playlist_episode_8(linkObject, autoplay=false) {/* outside jquery ready func. */ midrollplayed_8=false; var link_episode = linkObject.id; //get id this way. not used class wise jquery onclick. var idArr = link_episode.split('-'); var player_unique_index = idArr[2]; var key_index = idArr[3]; var episode_id = idArr[4]; var js_str = playlists_arr_8[key_index]; var field_arr = js_str.split('^#^'); if (typeof field_arr[4] !== 'undefined') { // WPB-6002 var field5_arr = field_arr[4].split('^@^'); p_id_8 = field5_arr[1]; } if (typeof field_arr[10] !== 'undefined') { var field11_arr = field_arr[10].split('^@^'); m_id_8 = field11_arr[1]; var field12_arr = field_arr[11].split('^@^'); m_audio_8 = field12_arr[1]; var field13_arr = field_arr[12].split('^@^'); m_title_8 = field13_arr[1]; if(m_id_8!=0) { midRollExists_8=true; } //midRollExists_8=false; } if (typeof field_arr[13] !== 'undefined') { var field14_arr = field_arr[13].split('^@^'); po_id_8 = field14_arr[1]; var field15_arr = field_arr[14].split('^@^'); po_audio_8 = field15_arr[1]; var field16_arr = field_arr[15].split('^@^'); po_title_8 = field16_arr[1]; if(po_id_8!=0) { postRollExists_8=true; } //postRollExists_8=false; } if(jQuery('#playlistEpisode-8-'+key_index).hasClass("disableLink")){ jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer('play'); jQuery('#pause-btn-8').show(); jQuery('#play-btn-8').hide(); jQuery( "#pause-btn-8").removeClass( "hidden" ); return false; } if(midRollExists_8 || postRollExists_8){ if(p_id_8!=0){ currentlyPlaying_8 = 'preroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('preroll'); }else{ if(currentlyPlaying_8 !='midroll'){ currentlyPlaying_8 = 'original'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('original'); } } midrollplayed_8=false; }else{ // mid and post roll both off. bothOff_8=true; // ======================== WPB-6002 -- separate func. if(p_id_8!=0) { jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_8(linkObject); return; } // ======================== if(!autoplay){ currentlyPlaying_8 = 'original'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('original') } else { // WPB-6002 if(p_id_8!=0) { currentlyPlaying_8='preroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('preroll'); } } } jQuery("#playlistResults-8 .playlistEpisode").each(function() { jQuery(this).css('background','none'); jQuery(this).removeClass("disableLink"); }); var bgColor = jQuery('#speed-control-menu-8').attr('primaryColor'); jQuery('#playlistEpisode-8-'+key_index).css('background',bgColor); jQuery('#playlistEpisode-8-'+key_index).addClass("disableLink"); var change_player_image_8 = true; // WPB-6002 show_hide_trailer_common_func(); firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_8 = false; //------------------------------- //WPB-435 if (typeof gotADS_8 !== 'undefined' && eval('gotADS_8')) { var retHideAudio = hideAudioPlayerShowVideoPlayer('8'); } else { var retHideAudio = false; } if (retHideAudio) { var videoPlayerContDivObj = document.getElementById('vid-container-8'); if (videoPlayerContDivObj.style.display == 'block') { jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer('stop'); eval('vid8').play(); /*play video direct ads. */ episode_first_playlist_id_8 = linkObject.id; return; } }//End of if (retHideAudio) //------------------------------- //WPB-306 : fixed problem missing stop/play button . jQuery("#pause-btn-8").removeClass("hidden"); var js_str = playlists_arr_8[key_index]; //console.log(js_str); var jsInfoArr = getJsInfo_Audio_Common(js_str); var e_id = jsInfoArr['e_id']; var e_title = jsInfoArr['e_title']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var e_image = jsInfoArr['e_image']; var p_id = jsInfoArr['p_id']; var p_audio = jsInfoArr['p_audio']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var p_title = jsInfoArr['p_title']; var pod_id = jsInfoArr['pod_id']; var ply_f = jsInfoArr['ply_f']; var e_audio_dl = jsInfoArr['e_audio_dl']; if(jQuery('#jp-playlist-status-8').length>0){ var htm = jQuery('#jp-playlist-status-8').html(); if(htm.indexOf('You have reached the end')>0){ var lastIndex_8 = playlists_arr_8.length-1; } } if(typeof lastIndex_8=='undefined'){ lastIndex_8 = playlists_arr_8.length-1; } if(currentlyPlaying_8=='original'){ if(key_index==0){ lastPreroll_8=true; }else{ lastPreroll_8=false; } } // --------------------------------- currentKeyIndex_8 = key_index; if(currentlyPlaying_8=='' || currentKeyIndex_8==0){ //console.log('here condition 1'); original_e_audio_8 = e_audio; original_e_title_8 = e_title; if(lastPreroll_8){ //console.log('cond 1.1...'); var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_8[lastIndex_8]; var field_arr_original = js_str_orignal.split('^#^'); var field3_arr_ori_t = field_arr_original[1].split('^@^'); var original_e_title_8 = field3_arr_ori_t[1]; var field3_arr_ori = field_arr_original[2].split('^@^'); var original_e_audio_8 = field3_arr_ori[1]; var field10_arr = field_arr_original[9].split('^@^'); var e_audio_dl = field10_arr[1]; var field4_arr = field_arr_original[3].split('^@^'); /*var e_image = field4_arr[1];*/ } }else if(currentlyPlaying_8=='original'){ //console.log('here condition 2'); if(bothOff_8) var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_8[currentKeyIndex_8] else var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_8[currentKeyIndex_8-1]; if(lastPreroll_8){ var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_8[lastIndex_8]; } var field_arr_original = js_str_orignal.split('^#^'); var field3_arr_ori_t = field_arr_original[1].split('^@^'); var field10_arr = field_arr_original[9].split('^@^'); var e_audio_dl = field10_arr[1]; var field4_arr = field_arr_original[3].split('^@^'); /*var e_image = field4_arr[1];*/ var original_e_title_8 = field3_arr_ori_t[1]; var field3_arr_ori = field_arr_original[2].split('^@^'); var original_e_audio_8 = field3_arr_ori[1]; } // --------------------------------- if(midRollExists_8){ jQuery("#player-8").bind(jQuery.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, function(event) { //console.log("timeupdate : currentlyPlaying_8::"+currentlyPlaying_8) if(currentlyPlaying_8!='original'){ return; } if(midrollplayed_8){ return; } var midDuration = Math.round(event.jPlayer.status.duration / 2); var current = Math.round(event.jPlayer.status.currentTime); if(midDuration>0 && (current>=midDuration)){ midPausedTime_8 = event.jPlayer.status.currentTime; jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { mp3: m_audio_8 }); currentlyPlaying_8='midroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('midroll'); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play"); midrollplayed_8=true; } }); // timeupdate func..... } // --------------------------------- if (change_player_image_8) { document.getElementById('jp-image-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change image document.getElementById('jp-body-background-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; jQuery('#player-interface-8 .AudioControls .podcastHeader .mobilePodcastImage img').attr('src',e_image); } // WPB-6002 //change download link to episode audio file as per click on playlist player audio song. //document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = e_audio; var e_audioDownload=e_audio; if(e_audio.indexOf("?")>0) e_audioDownload = e_audio.substring(0, e_audio.lastIndexOf('?')); document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = '/wp-content/plugins/wpb-show-core/download-episode.php?eid='+e_id+'&flag=playlist-js'; document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; var original_e_audio = e_audio; var original_e_title = e_title; if (p_audio) { /*if preroll then play that first.*/ e_audio = p_audio; //play preroll first. document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^preroll'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } /*if (p_title) { //e_title = p_title; //play preroll first. }*/ // *********************************************** if (p_audio) { //jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('preroll'); show_hide_trailer_common_func(); if(currentlyPlaying_8==''){ jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_8, mp3: e_audio }); var next_song_flag = 0; //play actual audio. currentlyPlaying_8='preroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('preroll'); //console.log('here3:::'+currentlyPlaying_8); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-8").removeClass('pause'); } /*jQuery("#player-8").on(jQuery.jPlayer.event.play, function(event) { console.log('play'); }); */ // *********************************************** } else { //console.log('in else no preroll::'+e_title); original_e_audio_8 = e_audio; original_e_title_8 = e_title; var next_song_flag = 1; jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play"); } if(!autoplay){ jQuery( "#speed-control-btn-8").html("1x"); jQuery( "#speed-control-btn-8").css("color", jQuery( "#speed-control-menu-8" ).attr( "textColor" )); }else{ var speedSelected = jQuery( "#speed-control-btn-8").html(); speedSelected = speedSelected.replace( "x", "" ); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer( "option","playbackRate", speedSelected ); } // ============================================================ jQuery("#player-8").bind(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { if(postRollExists_8 || midRollExists_8){ if(currentlyPlaying_8=='midroll'){ currentlyPlaying_8='original_part'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('original_part'); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_8, mp3: original_e_audio_8, }); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play",midPausedTime_8); return; }else if(currentlyPlaying_8=='postroll'){ var next_song = playListNext_8(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; }else if(currentlyPlaying_8=='preroll'){ setTimeout(function(){ currentlyPlaying_8='original'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('original'); //console.log('here8:::'+currentlyPlaying_8); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title, mp3: original_e_audio }); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-8").removeClass('pause'); },1000); }else if(currentlyPlaying_8=='original_part' && postRollExists_8){ jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_8, mp3: po_audio_8 }); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-8").removeClass('pause'); currentlyPlaying_8='postroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('postroll'); }else if(currentlyPlaying_8=='original' && postRollExists_8){ if(!midRollExists_8){ jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_8, mp3: po_audio_8 }); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-8").removeClass('pause'); currentlyPlaying_8='postroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('postroll'); } }else if(currentlyPlaying_8=='original_part' && (!postRollExists_8)){ var next_song = playListNext_8(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; }else if(currentlyPlaying_8=='original_part'){ jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); var next_song_flag = 0; //play actual audio. currentlyPlaying_8='postroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('postroll'); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-8").removeClass('pause'); } // ------------------------------------- }else{ if(currentlyPlaying_8=='original'){ next_song_flag=1; var next_song = playListNext_8(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; }else{ //console.log('preoll playing in both off'); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", {title: original_e_title_8, mp3: original_e_audio_8, }); currentlyPlaying_8='original' //console.log('here9:::'+currentlyPlaying_8); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('original'); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-8").removeClass('pause'); if (next_song_flag == 0) { document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } var next_song = playListNext_8(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; } } }); // End of ended event................. // ============================================================}//End of function jp_playlist_episode_

// ============================================================function playListNext_8(player_uni_idx, play_list_idx, next_song) { if (next_song == 0) { //console.log('donot play next song.....'); //as it played preroll and now playing actual video. //debugDivObj_playlist_8.innerHTML = debugDivObj_playlist_8.innerHTML + 'donot play next song........
'; } else { //console.log('play next song.....''; //debugDivObj_playlist_8.innerHTML = debugDivObj_playlist_8.innerHTML + 'play next song........
'; if (play_list_idx == ((playlists_arr_8.length) - 1)) { var next_play_list_idx = 0; /*first song.*/ } else { var next_play_list_idx = parseInt(play_list_idx) + 1; /*next song*/ } var js_str = playlists_arr_8[next_play_list_idx]; var field_arr = js_str.split('^#^'); var field1_arr = field_arr[0].split('^@^'); var e_id = field1_arr[1]; var link_id = 'jp-playlist-'+player_uni_idx+'-'+next_play_list_idx+'-'+e_id; var next_linkObject = document.getElementById(link_id); jQuery("#player-8").off(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended); /* off the ended event. so, next audio will bind again on into below func. */ jp_playlist_episode_8(next_linkObject,true); //call function again for next audio. } next_song = 1; return next_song;}//End of function playListNext_// ============================================================//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------// WPB-6002 -- separate func.function show_hide_trailer_common_func() { if(jQuery('#play_trailer').length>0){ jQuery('#play_trailer').show(); jQuery('#hide_trailer').hide(); }else if(jQuery('#play_trailer_ele').length>0){ jQuery('#play_trailer_ele').show(); jQuery('#hide_trailer_ele').hide(); }}// WPB-6002 -- separate func.function jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_8(linkObject) {/* outside jquery ready func. */ show_hide_trailer_common_func(); firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_8 = false; //------------------------------- //WPB-435 if (typeof gotADS_8 !== 'undefined' && eval('gotADS_8')) { var retHideAudio = hideAudioPlayerShowVideoPlayer('8'); } else { var retHideAudio = false; } if (retHideAudio) { var videoPlayerContDivObj = document.getElementById('vid-container-8'); if (videoPlayerContDivObj.style.display == 'block') { jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer('stop'); eval('vid8').play(); /*play video direct ads. */ episode_first_playlist_id_8 = linkObject.id; return; } }//End of if (retHideAudio) //------------------------------- //WPB-306 : fixed problem missing stop/play button . jQuery("#pause-btn-8").removeClass("hidden"); var link_episode = linkObject.id; //get id this way. not used class wise jquery onclick. var idArr = link_episode.split('-'); var player_unique_index = idArr[2]; var key_index = idArr[3]; var episode_id = idArr[4]; var js_str = playlists_arr_8[key_index]; var jsInfoArr = getJsInfo_Audio_Common(js_str); var e_id = jsInfoArr['e_id']; var e_title = jsInfoArr['e_title']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var e_image = jsInfoArr['e_image']; var p_id = jsInfoArr['p_id']; var p_audio = jsInfoArr['p_audio']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var p_title = jsInfoArr['p_title']; var pod_id = jsInfoArr['pod_id']; var ply_f = jsInfoArr['ply_f']; var e_audio_dl = jsInfoArr['e_audio_dl']; document.getElementById('jp-image-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change image document.getElementById('jp-body-background-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change download link to episode audio file as per click on playlist player audio song. //document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = e_audio; var e_audioDownload=e_audio; if(e_audio.indexOf("?")>0) e_audioDownload = e_audio.substring(0, e_audio.lastIndexOf('?')); document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = '/wp-content/plugins/wpb-show-core/download-episode.php?eid='+e_id+'&flag=playlist-js'; document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; var original_e_audio = e_audio; var original_e_title = e_title; if (p_audio) { /*if preroll then play that first.*/ e_audio = p_audio; //play preroll first. document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^preroll'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } /*if (p_title) { //e_title = p_title; //play preroll first. }*/ if (p_audio) { currentlyPlaying_8='preroll'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_11'+ currentlyPlaying_8); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('preroll'); //console.log('here6:::'+currentlyPlaying_8); show_hide_trailer_common_func(); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { //play preroll first. /*title: 'TEST', mp3: 'https://www.soundhelix.com/examples/mp3/SoundHelix-Song-1.mp3', //temp mp3 */ //title: e_title + ' -- Preroll audio ', title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); var next_song_flag = 0; //play actual audio. // ============================================================ jQuery("#player-8").on(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { show_hide_trailer_common_func(); currentlyPlaying_8='original'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_12'+ currentlyPlaying_8); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('original'); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { /*title: e_title + ' -- Actual audio ', */ title: original_e_title, mp3: original_e_audio }); jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-8").removeClass('pause'); if (next_song_flag == 0) { document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } var next_song = playListNext_8(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; /* next_song to 1, if preroll finished to play then only pickup next song. */ }); // ============================================================ } else { currentlyPlaying_8='original'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_13'+ currentlyPlaying_8); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-8').val('original'); var next_song_flag = 1; //no preroll. so, play song direct next. //play actual audio, if no preroll found. jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("setMedia", { //title: e_title + ' -- Actual audio -- no prerolls ', title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); jQuery("#player-8").on(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { show_hide_trailer_common_func(); /*if (next_song_flag == 1) { */ document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; /*}*/ var next_song = playListNext_8(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); //next_song_flag = next_song; }); }//End of else above....... jQuery("#player-8").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-8").removeClass('pause');}//End of function jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_

Lights, Camera, Curtis

Curtis' Candids

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (23)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (24)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (25)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (26)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (27)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (28)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (29)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (30)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (31)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (32)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (33)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (34)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (35)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (36)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (37)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (38)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (39)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (40)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (41)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (42)
Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (2024)


What station is Curtis Sliwa on? ›

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show | 77 WABC.

Who is Nancy Sliwa? ›

Started by Nancy Sliwa, a cat colony caretaker for over 10 years in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, this program was started to help some of the most vulnerable and voiceless members of our society – animals.

How do I email Curtis Sliwa? ›

How to contact Curtis Sliwa? To contact Curtis Sliwa send an email at curtis@curtissliwa.com or curtissliwa@guardianangels.org.If you want to call Curtis Sliwa try calling on +1.9177346999 and +1.2129139681.

What time is Curtis Sliwa on? ›

Your Guardian Angel, Curtis Sliwa is back on 77 WABC. Monday through Friday 12:00pm to 1:00pm Curtis Sliwa's Rip & Read.

Who is the head of the Guardian Angels? ›

Curtis Sliwa (/ˈsliwə/; born March 26, 1954) is an American activist, radio talk show host, and founder and chief executive officer of the Guardian Angels, a nonprofit crime prevention organization.

Who is Curtis Sliwa's sister? ›

Are the Guardian Angels still active? ›

These days the Guardian Angels have Chapters in Thirteen Countries and over one hundred cities.

Who is the founder of Guardian Angels? ›

The Guardian Angels is a non-profit international volunteer organization with the goal of unarmed crime prevention. The Guardian Angels organization was founded on February 13, 1979, in New York City by Curtis Sliwa. Since then, it has expanded to more than 130 cities and 13 countries worldwide.

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Angel 102.9 FM Accra (Online Radio) | Modern Ghana.

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Listen to Angels Radio AM830 on the radio, on am830.net, or the Angels Radio AM830 app!

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More than meets the lie. All episodes of #TheWatchfulEye out now on Freeform. Stream on Hulu.

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News/Talk 1130 WISN - Milwaukee's News/Talk Station.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.