DF2014:Need - Dwarf Fortress Wiki (2024)


v50.13· v0.47.05· v0.34· v0.31· v0.28· v0.23

This article is about an older version of DF.

This page contains information only relevant to DF 0.42.01and newer. Most or all of this information does not apply to previous versions. Older saves from previous versions in the DF2014 release cycle are still compatible with this version.

Needs affect a creature's focus - needs that are unmet for long enough will cause stress, become bad thoughts, and increasingly damage the creature's focus, while sufficiently well-satisfied needs will improve it.

The need system replaces the generalized on break feature of previous versions. Dwarves will sometimes perform jobs that satisfy their personal needs, instead of working for the betterment of the fortress. These personal-fulfilment jobs generally come in two varieties: low-priority (indicated by green text, e.g. Listen to Poetry), or high-priority (magenta text with an exclamation point, e.g. Pray to Lorsïth!). Low-priority jobs may be cancelled to undertake a fortress job. High-priority jobs will not be cancelled for fortress jobs.


  • 1 Focus
  • 2 Diversity
  • 3 Fortress actions per need (unconfirmed denoted by (?))
  • 4 Adventurer actions per need
  • 5 Adventure mode meta-strategy


Overall, Urist is unfocused by unmet needs.

Focus affects a dwarf's ability to perform. A dwarf with high focus will work faster and produce better results, while a distracted dwarf will take longer to do everything poorly. Focus is separate and independent of overall mood; a dwarf can be happy even with largely-unmet needs, or unhappy yet focused. However, prolonged insufficiency in meeting needs is a cause for both low focus and bad thoughts. Thus, Focus can, with prudence, be used to predict future mood developments.

Focus represents the percentage of the combined totals of met over unmet need values. The ratio of 1:1 (100%) represents a neutral state.

Focus statuses:

Very focused+ 140% (?)
Quite focused120-139% (-149%?)
Distracted...-79% (?)
Badly distracted(?)

A highly-focused dwarf can receive an effective-skill bonus of up to 50%; a badly distracted dwarf can receive an effective skill penalty of up to 50%.[1]


She is unfocused by a lack of trouble-making.

An individual creature's set of needs and their weights (levels) are affected by personality traits. For instance, a dwarf that values romance will be unfocused "after being unable to make romance", while a dwarf that personally values nature will be unfettered "after seeing animals". Unreligious dwarves will have no need to pray or meditate; dubious and casual worshippers will have low or medium level needs to pray; committed believers will have high level need; and dwarves following multiple deities will have a separate prayer need, with separate level for each of their deities. Proposed weights per need level are 1, 2, 5, and 10.

As expected, high-level needs hold a much larger sway in a dwarf's overall focus than low-level needs. For example, immoderation controls the need for alcohol; dwarves, thus, are more likely to have a need for alcohol than humans (but most of the time won't have a very strong one). A small percentage have no need for alcohol at all, though they'll still slow down without it, due to dwarves' alcohol dependence.

Needs are shown in a dwarf's thoughts and preferences description page, which can be accessed by viewing that dwarf then z, Enter, or from the unit menu with view, Enter.

Degree of fulfillment:

Unfettered400 to 300
Level-headed299 to 200
Untroubled199 to 100
Not distracted99 to -999
Unfocused-1,000 to -9,999
Distracted-10,000 to -99,999
Badly distracted-100,000 and below

When a need is satisfied, its value is refreshed to maximum (400), regardless of previous value. There is no minimum to how Badly distracted a need can get. A deeper negative value won't further reduce total Focus, which is based on a ratio of all needs' Focus rating.

In the absence of needs rated as "Badly distracted" the focus score is expressed as the ratio of:

[6 * number of Unfettered scores + 5 1/3 * number of Level-headed scores + 4 2/3 * number of Untroubled scores + 4 * number of Not distracted scores + 3 1/3 * number of Unfocused scores + 2 2/3 * number of Distracted scores] / (4 * number of scores total)

where the numerator is rounded down to a whole number.

It is currently unknown how "Badly distracted" needs contribute to focus, pending further science, but it is likely that they contribute 2 points each to the numerator.

Fortress actions per need (unconfirmed denoted by (?))[edit]

PositiveNegativeRelated Belief or FacetJob
spending time with peoplebeing away from peopleGREGARIOUSNESSSocialize.
drinkingbeing kept from alcoholIMMODERATION, SELF-CONTROLDrink alcohol.
communing with [deity] / meditationbeing unable to pray (to [deity])Pray/meditate in a Temple
staying occupiedbeing unoccupiedHARD_WORK, ACTIVITY_LEVEL(assumedly a sufficient amount of fortress tasks*)
doing something creativedoing nothing creativeARTWORKCreate or perform any artistic work.
doing something excitingleading an unexciting lifeEXCITEMENT_SEEKINGVaried; including at least being in danger or catching live vermin, perform at a tavern or temple.
learning somethingnot learning anythingKNOWLEDGE, CURIOUSGain a rank in any Skill, learn a new subject from written content, watch a skill demonstration at a guildhall, watch a martial demonstration at a training area.
being with familybeing away from familyFAMILY(Socialize with close family members?), gain a sibling, have or sire a child.
being with friendsbeing away from friendsFRIENDSHIP(Socialize with friends?)
hearing eloquent speechbeing unable to hear eloquent speechELOQUENCEHear or recite poetry.
upholding traditionbeing away from traditionsTRADITION(Perform any improvisational form?), deliver dwarven justice
self-examinationa lack of introspectionINTROSPECTIONRead anything, compose song or poetry (automatically self-indulgent)
making merrybeing unable to make merryMERRIMENT, HUMORBe delighted after witnessing a performance.
practicing a craftbeing unable to practice a craftCRAFTMANSHIPCraft or improve any item. This includes all actions enabled by the "labor->crafts" menu (without strand extraction?), items created from masonry, carpentry, jewelry and smithing, a meal cooked, a drink brewed. A mechanic creates a craft only when making a mechanism, an engraver only when engraving a slab. A furnace operator creates a craft when making pearlash.
practicing a martial artbeing unable to practice a martial artMARTIAL_PROWESSGain a rank in any combat skill, spar at a training area (individual practice or martial demonstrations do not count).
practicing a skillbeing unable to practice a skillSKILL(Use relevant skill?)
taking it easybeing unable to take it easyLEISURE_TIME(Spend time idle or fulfilling personal desires?), be treated at a hospital.
making romancebeing unable to make romanceROMANCE, LOVE PROPENSITYInteract with spouse/partner.
seeing animalsbeing away from animalsNATUREAnimal must also see the dwarf.*
seeing a great beastbeing away from great beastsEXCITEMENT_SEEKING, NATURE, CURIOSITY(Uncertain, possibly encounter LARGE_ROAMING?)
acquiring somethingbeing unable to acquire somethingGREED, COMMERCEAcquire any trinket (happens automatically when performing a "Store item in stockpile" job on an eligible trade good)
eating a good meala lack of decent mealsIMMODERATIONEating a preferred food (or a preferred alcohol cooked into a meal), or a sufficiently valuable mealv0.47.05.
fightingbeing unable to fightVIOLENTPartake in a fight or any combat.
causing troublea lack of trouble-makingHARMONY, DISCORDFight or argue with another.
arguingbeing unable to argueFRIENDLINESSArgue with another individual.
being extravagantbeing unable to be extravagantIMMODESTYWear any item with a quality modifier, create a masterwork or artifact.
wanderingbeing unable to wanderNATURE, ACTIVITY LEVELComplete a fishing, hunting, or plant gathering job.
helping somebodybeing unable to help anybodyALTRUISM, SACRIFICEBring water or food to patient/prisoner/animal*; bring wounded units to rest; leading demonstration; being yelled at by unhappy citizens (for relevant nobles.)
thinking abstractlya lack of abstract thinkingABSTRACT_INCLINEDRead or write any written content, or compose music or a poem. Playing make-believe. (Using Architect skill does not satisfy this need.)
admiring artbeing unable to admire artARTWORKBe exposed to artful furniture, artistic crafts, or engravings. Watch certain performances.
(* See also animal caretaker)

Satisfying any need will usually result in a good thought and a decrease in stress. (If the dwarf has extremely low cheer they may feel NOT ANYTHING).

Adventurer actions per need[edit]

PositiveNegativeRelated Belief or FacetAdventurer activity
spending time with peoplebeing away from peopleGREGARIOUSNESSSpeak to anyone or reply to greeting. They don't have to be able to reply back.
drinkingbeing kept from alcoholIMMODERATION, SELF-CONTROLDrink alcohol.
communing with [deity] / meditationbeing unable to pray (to [deity])Speak, Pray to <Deity> or begin a performance, give a sermon.
staying occupiedbeing unoccupiedHARD_WORK, ACTIVITY_LEVELVery wide variety of actions.
doing something creativedoing nothing creativeARTWORKPerform or compose any work.
doing something excitingleading an unexciting lifeEXCITEMENT_SEEKINGA wide variety of actions.
learning somethingnot learning anythingKNOWLEDGE, CURIOUSGain a rank in any Skill, learn a new subject from written content.
being with familybeing away from familyFAMILYImplemented, but inaccessible without modding. If your character has close family members, this need will be filled by spending time with them (seems to only apply to blood relations). However, there is currently no way to actually do this outside of mods.
being with friendsbeing away from friendsFRIENDSHIPUnimplemented.
hearing eloquent speechbeing unable to hear eloquent speechELOQUENCEHear or recite poetry.
upholding traditionbeing away from traditionsTRADITIONPerform any improvisational form.
self-examinationa lack of introspectionINTROSPECTIONRead anything, compose song or poetry (automatically self-indulgent), craft a figurine of yourself.
making merrybeing unable to make merryMERRIMENT, HUMORRecite any poem.
practicing a craftbeing unable to practice a craftCRAFTMANSHIPCraft an item via Knapping, Bone Carving, etc.
practicing a martial artbeing unable to practice a martial artMARTIAL_PROWESSGain a rank in any combat skill.
practicing a skillbeing unable to practice a skillSKILLUse any skill.
taking it easybeing unable to take it easyLEISURE_TIMEUnknown (Possibly engage in or witness a performance?) (I fulfilled this need by going to sleep at a tavern, getting interrupted in the middle of the night by a giant alligator (which the bards killed by the time I went down the stairs) and performing with them for a while.)
making romancebeing unable to make romanceROMANCE, LOVE PROPENSITYUnimplemented.
seeing animalsbeing away from animalsNATURESee an animal, animal must also see you.
seeing a great beastbeing away from great beastsEXCITEMENT_SEEKING, NATURE, CURIOSITYUncertain, possibly encounter LARGE_ROAMING?[Verify]
acquiring somethingbeing unable to acquire somethingGREED, COMMERCEAcquire any item by trade or demand.
eating a good meala lack of decent mealsIMMODERATIONUnknown. If the same as in Fortress mode, eating a preferred food, or a sufficiently valuable mealv0.47.05.
fightingbeing unable to fightVIOLENTEngage in any combat, minor or major.
causing troublea lack of trouble-makingHARMONY, DISCORDFight or argue with another individual.
arguingbeing unable to argueFRIENDLINESSGet into any disagreement about values.
being extravagantbeing unable to be extravagantIMMODESTYWear any item with a quality modifier on a body part - a waterskin will not work, as it can only be worn in another item of clothing.
wanderingbeing unable to wanderNATURE, ACTIVITY LEVELMove to/from any site or region tile.
helping somebodybeing unable to help anybodyALTRUISM, SACRIFICEReunite family members.
thinking abstractlya lack of abstract thinkingABSTRACT_INCLINEDRead or write any written content, compose music or a poem.
admiring artbeing unable to admire artARTWORKExpose yourself to artistic crafts, examine adornments and coins.

Satisfying any need will result in a good thought and a decrease in stress.

Creatures with [NOEMOTION] cannot satisfy any need and will inevitably become 'distracted'. In unmodded games, this concerns only Intelligent undead.

Adventure mode meta-strategy[edit]

Upon creating your adventurer you may want to avoid having any of the non-fulfillable needs: romance, family, friends. Otherwise, you will suffer never-ending focus disadvantages. Immoderation too is only technically fulfillable for the itinerant adventurer, without a fortress's industry to reliably produce their preferred food.

Some precaution is necessary in sacrifice/altruism -> helping capability is not available as long as you're quite weak (fighting; companions), and maybe in martial prowess if you're not constantly fighting and so increasing your stats. To fulfill your booze needs, you'll have to visit human towns' taverns or dwarven fortresses quite often (and fill your extra water storage containers with ale from the barrels for on the road).

DF2014:Need - Dwarf Fortress Wiki (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.