Ex Zone - Erkennen, Regeln und Steuern in explosionsfähiger Atmosphäre (2024)







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Samstag, 01. Juni 2013

Ex Zone - Erkennen, Regeln und Steuern in explosionsfähiger Atmosphäre (1)

Personen erfassen und zählen

Die Erkennung von Personen und Tieren ähnelt sich in ihren technischen Anforderungen. Menschen tragen Kleider, die sich in Farbe und Material unterscheiden, Tiere können kurzes oder langes Fell oder auch Federn haben oder sind nass bzw. schmutzig.

In diesem Fall bietet die Triangulationstechnologie eine Lösung, die eine Vielzahl von technischen Leistungen in sich vereinigt. Triangulationstechnologie erlaubt die Erkennung von Objekten unabhängig von ihrer Farbe, ihrem Material und ihrer Oberflächenstruktur.

Sender und Empfänger des Sensors sind zusammen in einem Gehäuse untergebracht. Die Sendediode gibt Licht aus, das von der Oberfläche diffus reflektiert und dann vom Empfangselement im Sensor aufgenommen wird. Anhand der Veränderungen im Winkel des empfangenen Lichtstrahls, der vom Abstand zwischen Sensor und Objekt abhängt, wird der Abstand ermittelt. Der Sensor schaltet je nach gemessenem Abstand EIN/Aus und nicht nach der empfangenen Lichtmenge, da diese je nach Farbe, Beschaffenheit oder Struktur des zu erkennenden Objekts variiert.

Die Triangulationstechnologie wurde von Panasonic in 3 verschiedenen Produktserien implementiert. Je nach Art der Applikation bietet jede Serie bestimmte Vorteile, was die Reichweite und die Sensorgröße betrifft. Der EQ-500 ist ein Universaltyp mit einer Reichweite von bis zu 2,5 Metern. Für Applikationen, die einen kompakten Sensor erfordern, bietet sich die EQ-30 Serie mit Abmessungen von 68 x 40 x 20 mm als optimale Lösung an. Die Serie CX-400 empfiehlt sich dort, wo eine Hintergrundausblendung erfolgen soll.

Umfassende Lösungen lassen sich mit einer Kombination aus Sensoren und Automatisierungstechnik von Panasonic realisieren. So kann zum Beispiel die von den Sensoren gesammelte statistische Information über Kundenströme in Geschäften oder Fastfood-Ketten zusammen mit exakten Datums- und Zeitangaben über das Internet an eine zentrale Steuerstelle zur Auswertung übermittelt werden, anhand derer dann auf Fakten basierende strategische Entscheidungen getroffen werden können.

Ex Zone - Erkennen, Regeln und Steuern in explosionsfähiger Atmosphäre (2)

Produkte und Serien für diesen Anwendungsfall


Lidar Sensoren

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"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function Start(startIndex) { curImage=startIndex; nextImage=startIndex+1; if (nextImage>this.picArray.length-1) nextImage=0; var maxTi=this.sleepMilliSecondsBetweenPics; if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['pictureDelay']) maxTi=this.movieArray[curImage]['pictureDelay'];}/* if (this.lastFrameTimeout) clearTimeout(this.lastFrameTimeout); if (this.lastFrameTimeout_fade) clearTimeout(this.lastFrameTimeout_fade); if (this.lastFrameTimeout_move) clearTimeout(this.lastFrameTimeout_move); if (this.lastFrameTimeout_resize) clearTimeout(this.lastFrameTimeout_resize);*/ //alert("Start: curImage: "+curImage+":::nextImage: "+nextImage); if (this.picArray.length>1) eval("this.lastFrameTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { "+this.myObjectName+".FadeNextImage("+nextImage+"); }, maxTi);"); // Start moving image this.StartMove(startIndex); this.StartResize(startIndex); this.ChangeImageUrl(startIndex); this.ChangeNavigation(startIndex); } function FadeNextImage(curImage) {//alert("FadeNextImage: curImage: "+curImage); var lastImage; if (!curImage) curImage=0; if (curImage==0) lastImage=this.picArray.length-1; else lastImage = curImage-1; var oldImageObj = document.getElementById(this.GetImageId(lastImage)); var newImageObj = document.getElementById(this.GetImageId(curImage));//alert("lastImage: "+lastImage);//alert("curImage: "+curImage); this.StartFade(lastImage,curImage); // this.FadeImage(oldImageObj,newImageObj); this.curImage=curImage; this.frameCount++; this.StartMove(curImage); this.StartResize(curImage); this.ChangeImageUrl(curImage); this.ChangeNavigation(curImage); var maxTi=this.sleepMilliSecondsBetweenPics; if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['pictureDelay']) maxTi=this.movieArray[curImage]['pictureDelay'];} curImage++; if (curImage>this.picArray.length-1) curImage=0; eval("this.lastFrameTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { "+this.myObjectName+".FadeNextImage(curImage); }, maxTi);"); } function SwitchToImage(curImage) { if (this.lastFrameTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(this.lastFrameTimeout); this.lastFrameTimeout=""; } if (this.lastFrameTimeout_fade) { window.clearTimeout(this.lastFrameTimeout_fade); this.lastFrameTimeout_fade=""; } if (this.lastFrameTimeout_move) { window.clearTimeout(this.lastFrameTimeout_move); this.lastFrameTimeout_move=""; } if (this.lastFrameTimeout_resize) { window.clearTimeout(this.lastFrameTimeout_resize); this.lastFrameTimeout_resize=""; } for (i=0;i

maxTi) curTi=maxTi; var distance = 100; var offsetDistanceDst; var offsetDistanceSrc;/* if (curTi>=maxTi) { offsetDistanceX = distanceX; offsetDistanceY = distanceY; } else { offsetDistanceX = distanceX * curTi/maxTi; offsetDistanceY = distanceY * curTi/maxTi; }*/ offsetDistanceDst = distance * curTi/maxTi; if (offsetDistanceDst>distance) offsetDistanceDst = distance; offsetDistanceSrc = distance - offsetDistanceDst; imgDst.style.opacity = offsetDistanceDst/100; imgDst.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + offsetDistanceDst + ")"; // IE imgSrc.style.opacity = offsetDistanceSrc/100; imgSrc.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + offsetDistanceSrc + ")"; // IE if (curTi>=maxTi) return; else eval("this.lastFrameTimeout_fade = window.setTimeout(function () { "+this.myObjectName+".CheckFade(lastImage,curImage); }, 25);"); // else eval("window.setTimeout(function () { "+this.myObjectName+".CheckResize(img); }, 1500);"); } function StartResize(curImage) { var myDate = new Date(); this.resizeTimerStartValue[this.curImage] = myDate.getTime(); if (this.frameCount==0) this.resizeDirectionToggle^=1; // this.CheckResize(document.getElementById(this.GetImageId(curImage))); this.CheckResize(curImage,this.resizeDirectionToggle); } function CheckResize(curImage,toggle) { var img = document.getElementById(this.GetImageId(curImage)); var myDate = new Date(); var curTimerValue = myDate.getTime(); eval("var startTi = "+this.myObjectName+".resizeTimerStartValue["+[curImage]+"];"); var curTi = curTimerValue - startTi;// var maxTi = (20000); var maxTi=this.sleepMilliSecondsBetweenPics; if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['pictureDelay']) maxTi=this.movieArray[curImage]['pictureDelay'];} maxTi+=200; if (curTi>maxTi) curTi=maxTi; var movieStart_pictureSizeX = 185; var movieStart_pictureSizeY = 600; var movieEnd_pictureSizeX = 185; var movieEnd_pictureSizeY = 600; if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['movieStart_pictureSizeX']) movieStart_pictureSizeX=this.movieArray[curImage]['movieStart_pictureSizeX'];} if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['movieStart_pictureSizeY']) movieStart_pictureSizeY=this.movieArray[curImage]['movieStart_pictureSizeY'];} if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['movieEnd_pictureSizeX']) movieEnd_pictureSizeX=this.movieArray[curImage]['movieEnd_pictureSizeX'];} if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['movieEnd_pictureSizeY']) movieEnd_pictureSizeY=this.movieArray[curImage]['movieEnd_pictureSizeY'];} var distanceX = movieEnd_pictureSizeX - movieStart_pictureSizeX; var distanceY = movieEnd_pictureSizeY - movieStart_pictureSizeY;/* if (curTi>=maxTi) { offsetDistanceX = distanceX; offsetDistanceY = distanceY; } else { offsetDistanceX = distanceX * curTi/maxTi; offsetDistanceY = distanceY * curTi/maxTi; }*/ offsetDistanceX = distanceX * curTi/maxTi; offsetDistanceY = distanceY * curTi/maxTi; var func = this.ParseFunction("1",curTi,maxTi,offsetDistanceX,distanceX,offsetDistanceY,distanceY); eval("offsetDistanceX*="+func+";"); eval("offsetDistanceY*="+func+";"); if (toggle==1) { offsetDistanceX = distanceX - offsetDistanceX; offsetDistanceY = distanceY - offsetDistanceY; }///* var sizeX = 185+offsetDistanceX; var sizeY = 600+offsetDistanceY;//*//* var sizeX = offsetDistanceX; var sizeY = offsetDistanceY;*///alert(sizeX); if (distanceX!=0) eval("img.style.width='"+sizeX+"px';"); if (distanceY!=0) eval("img.style.height='"+sizeY+"px';"); if (curTi>=maxTi) return; else eval("this.lastFrameTimeout_resize = window.setTimeout(function () { "+this.myObjectName+".CheckResize(curImage,toggle); }, 25);"); // else eval("window.setTimeout(function () { "+this.myObjectName+".CheckResize(img); }, 1500);"); } function StartMove(curImage) { var myDate = new Date(); this.moveTimerStartValue[curImage] = myDate.getTime(); if (this.frameCount==0) this.moveDirectionToggle^=1; // this.CheckMove(document.getElementById(this.GetImageId(curImage))); this.CheckMove(curImage,this.moveDirectionToggle);// eval("window.setTimeout(function () { "+this.myObjectName+".CheckMove(document.getElementById("+this.myObjectName+".GetImageId("+curImage+"))); }, 25);"); } function CheckMove(curImage,toggle) { var img = document.getElementById(this.GetImageId(curImage)); var myDate = new Date(); var curTimerValue = myDate.getTime(); eval("var startTi = "+this.myObjectName+".moveTimerStartValue["+[curImage]+"];"); var curTi = curTimerValue - startTi;// var maxTi = (20000); var maxTi=this.sleepMilliSecondsBetweenPics; if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['pictureDelay']) maxTi=this.movieArray[curImage]['pictureDelay'];} maxTi+=200; if (curTi>maxTi) curTi=maxTi; var movieStart_pictureOffsetX = 0; var movieStart_pictureOffsetY = 0; var movieEnd_pictureOffsetX = 0; var movieEnd_pictureOffsetY = 0; if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['movieStart_pictureOffsetX']) movieStart_pictureOffsetX=this.movieArray[curImage]['movieStart_pictureOffsetX'];} if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['movieStart_pictureOffsetY']) movieStart_pictureOffsetY=this.movieArray[curImage]['movieStart_pictureOffsetY'];} if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['movieEnd_pictureOffsetX']) movieEnd_pictureOffsetX=this.movieArray[curImage]['movieEnd_pictureOffsetX'];} if (this.movieArray[curImage]) {if (this.movieArray[curImage]['movieEnd_pictureOffsetY']) movieEnd_pictureOffsetY=this.movieArray[curImage]['movieEnd_pictureOffsetY'];} var distanceX = movieEnd_pictureOffsetX - movieStart_pictureOffsetX; var distanceY = movieEnd_pictureOffsetY - movieStart_pictureOffsetY;/* var distanceX = 0 - 0; var distanceY = 0 - 0;*//* if (curTi>=maxTi) { offsetDistanceX = distanceX; offsetDistanceY = distanceY; } else { offsetDistanceX = distanceX * curTi/maxTi; offsetDistanceY = distanceY * curTi/maxTi; }*/ offsetDistanceX = distanceX * curTi/maxTi; offsetDistanceY = distanceY * curTi/maxTi; var func = this.ParseFunction("1",curTi,maxTi,offsetDistanceX,distanceX,offsetDistanceY,distanceY); eval("offsetDistanceX*="+func+";"); eval("offsetDistanceY*="+func+";");// offsetDistanceY*=functionY; if (toggle==1) { offsetDistanceX = distanceX - offsetDistanceX; offsetDistanceY = distanceY - offsetDistanceY; } var posX = 0 + offsetDistanceX*(-1); var posY = 0 + offsetDistanceY*(-1); eval("img.style.margin='"+posY+"px 0 0 "+posX+"px';"); if (curTi>=maxTi) return; else eval("this.lastFrameTimeout_move = window.setTimeout(function () { "+this.myObjectName+".CheckMove(curImage,toggle); },25);"); } function ChangeImageUrl(curImage) { var obj = document.getElementById("slideShow_skyBannerMainContainer"); if (this.urlArray[curImage]) { var that = this;// eval("obj.onclick = function() {location.href="+this.myObjectName+".urlArray["+this.myObjectName+".curImage]}"); obj.onclick = function() {location.href=that.urlArray[curImage]}; obj.onmouseover = obj.onmousemove = function () { this.style.cursor="pointer"; }; } else { obj.onclick = function() {}; obj.onmouseover = obj.onmousemove = function () { this.style.cursor=""; }; } } function ChangeNavigation(curImage) { if (!this.usePictureNavigation) return; var obj = document.getElementById("slideshowNavigationContainer"); var output=""; if (this.picArray.length>0) { for (i=0;i"; output+=curNavImg; output+="

"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Draw obj.innerHTML=output; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Calculate align (horicontal and vertical) var marginLeft=0; var marginTop=0; var paddingHor=5; var paddingVert=5; var movieWidth=185; var movieHeight=600; var containerWidth = obj.offsetWidth; var containerHeight = obj.offsetHeight; if (this.pictureNavigation_align=="left") { marginLeft=paddingHor; } if (this.pictureNavigation_align=="right") { marginLeft = movieWidth - containerWidth - paddingHor; } if (this.pictureNavigation_align=="center") { marginLeft = movieWidth/2 - containerWidth/2; } if (this.pictureNavigation_valign=="top") { marginTop=paddingVert; } if (this.pictureNavigation_valign=="bottom") { marginTop=movieHeight - containerHeight - paddingVert; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Change align obj.style.marginLeft = marginLeft + "px"; obj.style.marginTop = marginTop + "px"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ } } function ParseFunction(functionStr,curTi,maxTi,offsetX,distanceX,offsetY,distanceY) { var retu; var maxFuncDistance = 360*Math.PI/180; var curFuncDistance = maxFuncDistance * curTi / maxTi; var curFunxDistanceX = offsetX * maxFuncDistance / distanceX; var curFunxDistanceY = offsetY * maxFuncDistance / distanceY; retu = ReplaceStr("sin","Math.sin",functionStr); retu = ReplaceStr("cos","Math.cos",retu); retu = ReplaceStr("ti",curFuncDistance,retu); retu = ReplaceStr("x",curFunxDistanceX,retu); retu = ReplaceStr("y",curFunxDistanceY,retu); // document.getElementById("myDebug").innerHTML="functionStr: "+functionStr;// document.getElementById("myDebug").innerHTML="retu: "+retu;// document.getElementById("myDebug").innerHTML="parseFloat_retu: "+parseFloat(retu); // return 1; return retu; }}

Ex Zone - Erkennen, Regeln und Steuern in explosionsfähiger Atmosphäre (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.