Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (2024)




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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (2) Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (3)bySsmith Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:24 am

All the aliens/hillbillies and whatever else from WSOMN just can't seem to get along.

Today will probably be my last contact with the room.Yosef and those of us who are in the know continue to direct you thru this winding Event. There are those who want to still misdirect you including some members in this room.There are those who still have personal agendas and want their 2 minutes of fame. They are the non acceptor of what is truly being heaven sent.This isn't religion but dealing with your inner spirituality.

I know that there is a major change about to happen.How you accept it it is up to each of you.

The month of March in the year of the Red dragon is coming in like a lion.
On the 8-9 is a total solar eclipse which carries a lot of mysticism with the Chinese.

The full moon,which is a blood moon is the 23rd and not to forget the 22nd both of these are signs of completion.

The 15th,the ides of March,the assination of Julius Caesar and then March 28th which is Easter,with the death and resurrection of Christ. Least we forget the 17th which is St Patrick's day, a pot of gold-perhaps this year a money day as well as Easter and the release of the Saint Germain funds.
The laws of all the lands are about to change.Not just the USA but the world.
NESARA is not just for us but for all countries with the implementation of a world gold standard.

This will be a change but also of DISCLOSURE. The exposure and arrests have definitely begun.We are going to need a score card. The world monies are starting to flow.The prosperty packages will abound. A new government will arise here very shortly with a promise of a new election,an election that will done in a legal formate on paper and hand counted without tampering. A government for the people by the people.

You have learnt your lessons well.The banks are bail-ins or bail-outs.China made sure of that months ago-take a look who has controlling interest! The US has been asset backed for months,quietly to be able to conduct international business.The TRN and even the USN have been sited outside the US for more than a year. One only has to remember the story about the USN showing up at a health spa in Mexico and had to cleared by the banks in Mexico before being accepted.

The rules of banking have changed to now protect us all.Realize that 3 letter agencies are just about done with and/or will be eliminated completely and staff reduced or relocated.It doesn't happen overnight but a lot has been done very quietly for months.

I could go on but I wont.China has made this exchange as simple as possible.Don't be in a rush to spend your new found wealth.Be careful with WM,lawyers,accountants and private investors. The rules of engagement are about to change.You are in the know-they are not but hopefully they will learn.

You are in control of your destiny. Be wise and be careful.You all have been picked.for a reason and it is now time to follow through.Some will still be lost and will need some guidance.There will be plenty of opportunities to get educated during this major undertaking.

It is time for me and others to continue forward and get busy in helping to create.the positive changes on this planet.

All my love and Shalom. Martha

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (4)
Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (5)

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (8) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (9)byPonee Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:28 am

How many times do we have to deal with her long goodbyes? How many times has she left dinarland only to disappointment us by coming back? Martha, take your new age garbage, open up a palm reading shop and stay away for good this time. You have no value in dinarland.

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (10)
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (14) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (15)byjbk0606 Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:24 am

Ponee, she will be back in a week lol. She can't stand not voicing herself. She's like a junior at prom lol

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (19) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (20)byChaz Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:55 am

With Martha's new age,Gnostic,Baal worship,Christianity,Judaism,is nothing short of the devil's playground when you mix it together,she is treading on dangerous grounds ,deceiving God's people as Jezebel had done to God's children is no different now,repent Martha!
Sincerely blessings Charles

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (21)
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (25) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (26)byTerbo56 Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:56 am

Maybe she could dress up like a pot stoned teenager, and pose in the park, as the statue of 'puberty'-

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (31) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (32)byPonee Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:09 am

SWEETPEA from WSOMN answers Martha's post

I do appreciate all the information you've provided to us along the way. I personally have recently turned negative because things have NEVER turned out as has been stated by those who have brought "Intel".

The mis-information and dis-information by so many Is hard to figure out. I am frustrated and tired of trying to digest it.

I don't know who is truthful or not and I, just like the Intel providlees, get kicked aside for questioning anything. Everything I hear is hard to believe anymore. Some of this stuff is BS, some of it is out-of-this-world and some of it is very important learning from others' experience. My head is spinning and I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone lately. It used to be fun, it is not anymore. All the joy is gone for me and I can thank my own government for that. I have had it! I hope this is the end of the journey because I personally am at the end of MY road. I wish you well Martha.

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (33)
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (37) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (38)byChaz Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:14 am

Well Ponee, a house divided will not stand,I would like to reach out to Sweetpea some how I believe see is ready. We have to come to a end of our selves to receive something better.
Sincerely blessings Charles

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (39)
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (43) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (44)byPonee Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:15 am

Sweetpea, my suggestion to you is to walk away from WSOMN and all guru sites and get on with life. Check real currency sites occassionally. Do not waste anymore of your life on dinar forums of any kind.

Life is short. Just look at all the dinarians and even gurus that have died since starting this gamble. Don't you think they would do it differently if they were given the chance to come back? I don't they they would have wasted so much time waiting and following this.

Live like you are dying, because you are and is this how you want to spend the time that you have, whether it is 20 days, 20 months or 20 years?

This RV may never happen. Live life and let the dinar do what it will without following it all day every day. Following it doesn't change the outcome. But, changing your actions can change your life dramatically

I wish you the best and hope you can move on and create a life you can enjoy whether the RV ever happens or not.


Last edited by Ponee on Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:21 am; edited 2 times in total

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (49) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (50)byChaz Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:17 am

Good advice for everyone.

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (55) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (56)bySsmith Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:33 am

This is what 'intel provider' Starman had to say on the subject:

Hi, every one. I will never give up trying to give you the info as I get it. But I will say because of the bashing that goes on when we give it out
Keeps me from giving you all my info!!

My thinking on this is if you dont know any Intel and you get some here on the room why do you bash us when you dont even know any thing??

When you do this to peeps that are giving you the info you only make us not want to provide it to you.

If you dont believe then just dont say any thing or GO AWAY!!

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (61) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (62)byChaz Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:36 am

Well, if your Intel was correct,there would be no problem, right? Does that make any sense to anyone?
Sincerely blessings Charles

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (67) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (68)bypower123 Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:48 am

Well, surprise! surprise! the RV/GCR (Revaluation/Global Currency Reset) did not happen on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd March as predicted. You will recall the choice of these dates was to ensure that three months notice was given with an internationally acceptable currency in place for both Iraq and Iran to join the WTO (World Trade Organization).

Either it would seem that one or both of them have decided not to join or the basis of a three months notice was incorrect, like many other facts.If those three days were an anticlimax then today has been quite the opposite.

First indicator the currency traders selling the currency to the investing public have been instructed to close down their selling programmes and to balance their books. We had always been told that this would happen 30 minutes before the RV/GCR took place - well that period has been totally underestimated.

The below, whilst a rumour, is typical of what a number of Internet Bull-rus BS are saying today:

The word in China now is that the banks are going to try again after the market closes and within the optimal Friday 6-9pm window, as the cover of darkness will protect large volume exchangers and hit the peak Internet browsing traffic time to assist in setting hundreds of thousands of redemption appointments before Saturday's 7am start time. Whales will go in tonight. No one yet knows what constitutes a whale at the individual level. Reno is planning on notifying and exchanging tonight”

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (72) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (73)byTerbo56 Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:42 pm

Thankyou, Ponee, you just spoke what I and I'm sure others have been feeling for years, now- Maybe it's time to 'clean' house, and get these weasels out of here, and get back to where the site USED to be- It's ALL bullcrap anyway, and ALSO, the new 'sheep' should be well aware of that by now-Spring cleaning is in order- :winky winky:

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (78) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (79)byKevind53 Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:08 pm

Martha will be back, spouting the same old new age bull while totally ignoring the fact that she was, once again, totally wrong. She will ignore it and no one will call her on it so she'll get away with her lies. I give her 2 weeks at the most till she returns.

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (84) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (85)bySsmith Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:17 pm

The reason Martha threw her fit was because there were some that were questioning her 'intel'.

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (90) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (91)bykenlej Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:40 pm


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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (93)

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RE: Believers vs non believers



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Martha I for one wanted to thank you for all the intel you provide. We are blessed to have been a part of your life and, continually wish you the very best. We will continue to fight the good fight of faith. God is truly in control ! I would like to say that there are more people who appreciate you than think negatively of you. The light always shines brighter than darkness. I would like to say please stay with me because I'm better for it. This sight needs to kick off some negative people and we all would be better for it!

Blessings Martha

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (94) Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (95) Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (96) Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (97) Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (98) Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (99)

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (104) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (105)bykenlej Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:55 pm


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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (107)

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Date:37m ago

RE: Believers vs non believers



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i am honored to share with you this time
your personality and knowlegs are very special and you are a gift of god
l practice something in my life that l will tell you,,,,,,,,



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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (112) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (113)bySsmith Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:02 pm

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (114)wolfy wrote
2m ago
Hello--I talked with Martha on the phone a little while aga and she is absolutely great.. She has no problems or worries.. She said this is over and down to the wire and she is busy making future plans.. But she is fine, honest
Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (115)wolfy wrote
44s ago
Martha has NOT signed an NDA nor exchanged she is at home and fine
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (120) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (121)byRamblerNash Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:18 pm

Ssmith wrote:All the aliens/hillbillies and whatever else from WSOMN just can't seem to get along.

Today will probably be my last contact with the room.Yosef and those of us who are in the know continue to direct you thru this winding Event. There are those who want to still misdirect you including some members in this room.There are those who still have personal agendas and want their 2 minutes of fame. They are the non acceptor of what is truly being heaven sent.This isn't religion but dealing with your inner spirituality.

I know that there is a major change about to happen.How you accept it it is up to each of you.

The month of March in the year of the Red dragon is coming in like a lion.
On the 8-9 is a total solar eclipse which carries a lot of mysticism with the Chinese.

It's the year of the Fire Monkey!

Did she forget that?

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (126) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (127)byKevind53 Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:29 pm

Fire Monkeys ... Red Dragons ... tomatoes -- tomatas... hey they both have fire right?

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (132) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (133)bySnow Cat Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:51 pm

*snicker* So what do these people do when their verbal well of promises dries up? I know there is talk of Martha and someone else starting a new site. Do they just fade out and move on to new sites with new names and keep trying to get money? It is interesting to say the least.

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (134)
Snow Cat
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (138) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (139)byChaz Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:53 pm

Your catching on quick,that's how they keep the ball rolling.

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (140)
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (144) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (145)byChaz Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:02 pm

Snow Cat,it has grown to a billion dollar industry,in a matter of 6 to 8 years,if you remember Sterling they where probably the largest dinar currency dealer that had grossed 600 million dollars in dinar sales,they where located in Atlanta,which they now have been indicted by the federal government for fraud,and a particular unscrupulous guru was also indicted that was conspiring with yes its big business for the gurus & there sites.
Sincerely blessings Charles

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (146)
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (150) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (151)byRamblerNash Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:08 pm

Snow Cat wrote:*snicker* So what do these people do when their verbal well of promises dries up? I know there is talk of Martha and someone else starting a new site. Do they just fade out and move on to new sites with new names and keep trying to get money? It is interesting to say the least.

Martha came out of the TNT forum before she moved over to WSOMN.

The other person that you are talking about starting a new site with her is Wolfy at WSOMN. He was TennWolfMan over at TNT. Whether they start a new site is rumor right now...

BTW...Welcome to Dinar Daily!

Are you familiar with the Sam I Am archives?

Lost of good stuff there...

:winky winky:

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (156) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (157)bySsmith Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:51 pm

That didn't last long. Martha just appeared on the WSOMN call.

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (162) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (163)bySsmith Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:40 pm

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (164)MARTHA wrote
2m ago
I am back in for a short time
Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (165)MARTHA wrote
55s ago
I wish to thank Bodi for her making the satement about Israel
Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (166)MARTHA wrote
47s ago
Josef brought you the words of wisdom
Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (167)MARTHA wrote
20s ago
Let me explain about the Jews of Israel-they are not the true hebrews.They are Germans or Zionists. The rothschilds bouight them their independence and still try to control this country. The real Jews are the Palestinians
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (172) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (173)bySnow Cat Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:10 pm

Chaz, thank you. I did find out about Sterling through my research. Interesting.

RamblerNash, thank you for the info and the welcome. I saw the link to Sam I Am but have not checked it out yet. I plan to do some reading tomorrow. Thanks again.

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (174)
Snow Cat
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (178) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (179)byKevind53 Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:16 am

Let me explain about the Jews of Israel-they are not the true hebrews.They are Germans or Zionists. The rothschilds bouight them their independence and still try to control this country. The real Jews are the Palestinians

Pure and total antisemitic Horse Crap! Next thing you know she'll be telling us there never was a Holocaust. Well I can tell you it's real, I grew up with friends who's parents wore the proof on their arms and the scars on their bodies. It's as real as the pogroms and butchery in Stalinist Russia and the ethnic violence against Christians and Jews today.

Ethnically the people referred to as Palestinian are primarily Arabs, or perhaps more correctly of Persian/Mede (Syrian) descent. Prior to 1948 the term Palestinian referred almost exclusively to the Jews who still lived in the region. There never was truly a nation known as Palestine, although the region has been called that since the Roman days. (BTW that came from a corruption of the name Philistine, a tribe of sea going warriors who lived essentially in the area known today as the Gaza Strip. The Arabic people living there did not refer to themselves as Palestinians or try to proclaim any sort of national identity until after the six day war in 1967.

The facts are, there was no sizable population of Arabs there until after the Jewish people began to return in in early 1900s. When the Jews came back, they either settled on unclaimed land or purchased land from the inhabitants. Jews and Arabs lived peacefully together for many years. With many Arabs in fact migrating to find jobs after the Jews began reclaiming the land. There was in fact no enmity. In 1948, Israel became a nation, shortly after, the leaders from the surrounding Arab countries declared war on Israel and instructed the Arab civilians living in the land to flee until the Jews were annihilated. Israeli leaders, to no avail, urged the Arabs to stay. Property that they owned was abandoned. Needles to say things did not go exactly as the Arab nations planned.

Now here is where it gets interesting. about 630,000 Arabs fled to the neighboring countries, at the same time, approximately the same amount of Jewish people were driven out of Arab countries by persecution. Countries which BTW were much larger in size and population. Countries which could easily have absorbed the refugees into their own populations but chose instead to keep them in refugee camps. Why you say? It was still their intent to annihilate Israel and then return the "refugees" to the land. In addition to the"War of Independence" which lasted most of 1948, there was the Suez Campaign in 1956, the Six Day War in 1967, followed by what is referred to as the War of Attrition which continued through 1970. Oh and let us not forget the Yom Kippur War in 1973. BTW, by 1956 the Soviets were highly involved both in providing physical aid, and advising on propaganda. In fact, the Palestinian "nation" was a direct result of that propaganda campaign.

There is a lot more, for instance under the Balfor Agreement, Israel and Modern day Jordan were to be set aside as a Jewish homeland. That was just after WWI by the time the UN got around to partitioning a Jewish Homeland in 1947, it was whittled down to the size of New Jersey. Ultimately this whole thing comes down to this Arab/Muslim unwillingness to allow the Jewish people a sliver of land that was theirs for over 2000 years before the Muslim religion existed.

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (184) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (185)byChaz Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:23 am

I'm sorry to hear what she has said about the Jews,because she is lying,plan & simple,yes Kevind53 you have the truth,I have been going to a messianic congregation in Florida before I moved to Arizona,they are not German,they all are from Israel,born there,so where there parents,& there parents. Martha has only proven one thing in this RV saga is that she has the anti Christ spirit,anyone what's to argue about that read her post,read her post in the archives.
So some thinks she's so wonderful you are coming into agreement with the anti Christ spirit. Instead of agreeing with her pray for her.
Sincerely blessings Charles

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (186)
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (190) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (191)byChaz Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:37 pm

Kevind53 thanks for standing in the gap,for not just our Jewish brothers & sisters in the Lord, but for standing in the gap for HIM our LORD.
Sincerely blessings Charles

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (192)
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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (196) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (197)bykenmor Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:07 pm

So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye................

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (202) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (203)byaksafeone Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:54 pm

Hey Martha, how many times do we have to tell you goodbye tohave you leave FOREVER?

Thought you would be gone by now, what happened - devil running your tongue? Split ends?

Martha, y'all don't have the class to remain. Besides you sound like a Nazi talking about the jews that way. Nazism was defeated in 1945 - what took you so long to find out? Slow are you? Leave.

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (208) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (209)byPonee Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:22 pm

Oh geeze, that didn't last long did it? But, then who really believed the resident fortune teller?

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (214) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (215)byChaz Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:31 pm

I'm posting on this subject because I was waiting for a rebuttal on Martha's remarks about the Jews are Palestinian,& they all come from Germany,so how could they be both?

So I waited for these so called Godly men who are your gurus to say something against this antisemitic garbage that Martha has spewed out,but not one of your gurus, Frank,Bruce,or the others has said a word,I know they read this site, if they where Christians they would had nip her garbage in the bud,but they haven't,so that tells me one thing,do I need to spell it out about your glorify gurus?

CON ARTISTS,SCAMMERS, WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING,FALSE PROPHETS, and one other thing,they could care less for you all,there getting filthy rich,your getting poorer by the day.

Yep I am upset,& I give God the Glory,bet you want hear that from Martha!

Sincerely blessings Charles

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (220) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (221)bySsmith Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:41 pm

Bruce had Yosef on his call last night and Yosef is in the same camp as Martha. That just shows what a "believer" Bruce Dawson really is.

But it did drive up the numbers of people listening, didn't it Bruce?

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (222)
Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (223)

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (226) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (227)byChaz Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:52 pm

Who ever is using that name,Yosef is a imposter, Yosef was a orthodox rabbi from Israel,he's dead now.Bruce is not whom people thinks he is meaning Bruce is not a man of God,i am not making a false witness clam ether,I pray he repents if he knows how to.
Sincerely blessings Charles

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (229)

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (232) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (233)byaksafeone Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:24 pm

Why else would anyone have a conference call? They make money on each listener that signs in. They also make money on advertisem*nts. Shoot a bear, don't go there!

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (238) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (239)byaksafeone Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:49 pm

Why else would anyone have a conference call? They make money on each listener that signs in. They also make money on advertisem*nts. Shoot a bear, don't go there!

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Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (244) Re: Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN

Martha Says GoodBye to WSOMN (245)bySandnsea Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:29 pm

Dear Lord help save us from this coo coo train.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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