☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019 Updated 24th Nov 2021 (2024)

☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019 Updated 24th Nov 2021 (1)

☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019 Updated 24th Nov 2021 (2)
! Alternate Download Link while Dffd is down !
::: LINUX ::: ||| ::: MAC :::
::: Current version: V.1.31 - For DF.44.12 :::
::: Backup: V1.3 - For DF.43.05 :::
::: The MDF GUI requires Microsofts .NET-Framework 4.0 :::
::: Changelogs: V1.01 ::: V1.02 ::: V1.03 ::: V1.04 ::: V1.05 ::: V1.06 ::: V1.07 ::: V1.08 ::: 1.09 ::: 1.10 ::: 1.11 ::: 1.12 ::: 1.13 ::: 1.14 ::: 1.15 :::
::: 1.16 ::: 1.17 ::: 1.18 ::: 1.19 ::: 1.20 ::: 1.21 :::

☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019 Updated 24th Nov 2021 (3)
::: If you like the content I produce and enjoy playing Masterwork, consider supporting it on Patreon. :::
::: It allows me to do regular updates and add more content more quickly. :::

::: Read up on future goals, vote on polls and make suggestions. :::
::: Or join community projects that add new mod content! :::

Welcome to Masterwork DF! A comprehensive mod-pack that includes utilities and tilesets just like the StarterPack, but with additional content to keep you playing longer.

This mod has existed since 2011 and has gone through many iterations. The largest and most popular one is for DF2014 (34.11) and can be found here. It contains 8 playable races, 1000+ creatures and 500+ new buildings. It did suffer from feature-creep and will be replaced by this all new version, written with a strict concept in mind and 5 years of modding experience backing me up.

Here the current features of Masterwork DF2016 (42.06):
- Every mod-content is optional, enable/disable as you like.
- Playable dwarves: Master-metalworkers and warriors.
- Playable kobolds: Tribal dirt-digging thieves.
- Playable succubi: Fire-loving and alluring demons.
- Playable orcs: Proud fighters and artisans.
- A launcher that edits Init & Worldgen settings, installs tilesets and entire mods for you.
- Included utilities: Therapist, Armok Vision, Stonesense, Soundsense, Dfhack, Perfect World, Isoworld, Quickfort and more...
- Included tilesets: Phoebus, Obsidian, Ironhand, Mayday, Spacefox, JollyBastion, CLA, Taffer and more...

☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019 Updated 24th Nov 2021 (5)

Here the planned major features of Masterwork DF2016:
- Playable goblins, dark fortresses with dungeons full of slaves.
- Playable elves, nature-based hamlets with lots of wildlife on your side.
- Playable nagas, water-based snake-men with asian theme and a love for gems and corals.
- Playable necromancers, farm your citizens like cattle and use their corpses for dark experiments.

General mod content:
- Standardized leathers, bones, meat, wood... (optional)
- Rebalanced animal man and giant animal frequencies. (optional, editable)
- Invading titans, werebeasts, night-creatures, demons and forgotten beasts. (optional, editable)
- Invading orc, naga, vampire and necromancer civs. (optional, editable)
- 1300 procedually generated creatures to fight. (optional)

Included mods by other authors:
- Mythical Monsters Modby IndigoFenix
7-part mod that adds monsters to fight, special bogeymen, vampiric ghosts, rebelling plump-helmet men, a dozen new necromancer-like mages/towers, a cult of lovecraftian proportions and the wild hunt, a wildlife mini-siege.

- More Leather Modby Sackhead
Creatures now create leathers and parchments amounts related to their size.

- Deeper Dwarven Domesticationby Wannabehero
Adds 10 cave-related pets to the dwarven civ. Bearded birds, rock-laying crabs, shelled cave tortoises and speedy weasels for vermin control.

- Fortress Defense IIby Darkflagrance
Adds up to 16 new invading races. Everything from reptile and tigermen over hellfire-imps and giant spiders to war elephants.

- Wanderers Friendby Deon
Adds almost 100 adv-mode reactions to craft leather items, forge armor, decorate crafts, tan leather, write books and more...
(Note: Only the reactions are added, no other rebalancing of the mod)

- Silk Eggs Modby Kazoo
Changes spider eggs to silk eggs and adds a new workshop, the silk-reel. You can spin silk eggs into silk thread here, allowing for easy silk-farming.

- The Earth Strikes Back!by Dirst
Find hidden gems and hidden enemies while mining. Build tributes to pacificy the rock golems, farm gem-vines or keep pet rocks around.
This mod is disabled by default, since it heavily affects balancing and includes constantly running dfhack scripts.

- Arctic Additionsby Malecus
Adds new content to arctic regions, tundras and glaciers. 20 new creatures, 2 megabeasts, 2 plants, 2 grasses...
Taken from a forum post, otherwise not available as mod.

- Small Things Modby Umiman
Adds over 1000 pref-strings to creatures, 220 new speeches for adventure mode and 300 new engravings.
An older mod for .28 from D2010/11 that I updated.

- Procedual Decorationsby Wastedlabor
Adds 75,000 randomly generated engravings.

- Stals Armory Packby Stalhansch
Adds a ton of new weapons and armors to dwarves, based on RL medieval items.
Some items overlapped with Historic Arms and Armors, so I cut them out.

- Historic Arms and Armorsby Grimlocke
Adds a ton of new weapons, trapcomps and armors to dwarves, based on RL medieval items.
Some items overlapped with Stals Armory Pack, so I cut them out.

- Terrible Weapons Packby LiberCeli
Adds 40 new weapons to dwarves that are very crude and basic, like meat-hooks, pitchforks and cleavers.

☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019 Updated 24th Nov 2021 (6)

Dwarves are the default race that most players will use. They have full vanilla DF content with a lot of mod additions.

Master smiths and metalworkers, they have access to three new metals and can refine their weapons and armor to masterwork quality in special forges. Metal siege-engines and javelin-throwers add new ranged capabilities, new cave-themed pets live with you underground.

Dwarves can also join military groups or guilds, receiving special training; call migrants or caravans from the liaisons office; or transmute metals in the alchemists lab.

Workshops & Furnaces


Liaisons Office:
Pay gold coins to request migrants or caravans to come.

Weight Bench:
Lift boulders to increase physical stats.

Pray for an item type. This has a very low success chance, but is a good last chance to get that missing strange-mood item.

Wood Splitting Block:
Basic wood-cutting workshop. Cut your tree trunks into many smaller wooden planks/blocks.

Stonecrafter, Woodcarver, Bonecarver and Gemcutter:
Four simple workshops that create items and furniture from there four materials that are missing in vanilla DF. Both the stonecrafter and woodcarver accept blocks as input.

Furniture Workshop:
Make complete sets of furniture from different materials, including some metals.

Form all kinds of items and furniture from clay, fireclay or kaolinite. These soft clay items can't be used yet, but after burning them in the kiln, you get stoneware, earthenware and porcelain items.

Create clothing and leather-armor sets with a single reaction, or unravel cloth back into thread.

Your miners can find three unique gem-types: Relics, fossils and treasures. The archeologist can restorate them to former glory and gives you a random item... maybe a golden throne, maybe an adamantine sword... good luck!

Requires one Orichalcum bar to build, which is a byproduct of metal working. For every 100 bars of metal made in the smelter, you get one orichalcum bar. The Alchemist can turn lead into gold, create gems and transmute metals into different metals.

Guildhall and Garrison:
Large buildings that enable your dwarves to change their caste. For 2500 gold they turn into a guild-member or military-group member of your choice. Guild members learn related skills twice as fast, while military-group members learn combat skills twice as fast and get a few attribute boni.

Write books for your library sections. Once you have 10 on any given topic, you can build a library (workshop) with it.

Six library sections, of warfare, mind&body, farmwork, crafting, smithing&engineering and philosophy. They instantly give any dwarf reading up on a skill a basic knowledge in it. Good for migrants and militias.

Brick Oven:
Make blocks of any color for awesome megaprojects.

Ore Processor:
Optional step before smelting your ore. Sort it into pure ore and rocks for higher yield.

Burn items and refuse to clear the fort and create ash/co*ke.

Create alloys. Attention! This means steel is made here, not in the smelter!

Smelt mithril and wolfram and efficiently make steel and bronze bars.

Blast Furnace:
Smelt large batches of metal ore at once. Very fuel efficient.

Volcanic Foundry:
Create volcanic metal, a better-than-steel alloy, warm to the touch.

Finishing Forge:
Cold hammer bronze, tin and copper. This allows early militias even without the need for fuel.

Armory & Weaponry:
Improve the quality of armors and weapons. Instead of smelting it down and reforging, simply refine the item you have. Adds one quality level per workstep, but can only be done once per item.

Javelin Maker:
Make ammo for your heavy crossbows, the javelin throwers. Aka mini-ballistas.

Heavy Siegeworks:
Create metal ballistas and catapults and batches of ammo for them.

☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019 Updated 24th Nov 2021 (7)

Small race of thieving dog-lizard creatures as known from vanilla DF. Their theme is very much tribal, simplistic and naturalistic. They use animal materials and hunting for most of their needs; their workshops are build of wood and leather, not rock. They do not have access to picks or mining, nor to metals at all.

Due to their short lifespan of 15 years, its best to create a huge force of kobolds to outnumber your enemies. You can poison blowdarts in the kitchens or use a number of new pets to protect yourself.

Workshops & Furnaces


Wood Splitting Block:
Splits logs into several planks/blocks. Simple!

Leather Upholstery:
Makes leather furniture.

Leather Trimmer:
Tans and upgrades leathers and makes leather armor.

Chitin Scrapper:
Tans and upgrades chitins and makes chitin armor.

Shell Crafter:
Tans and upgrades shells and makes shell armor.

Scale Cleaner:
Tans and upgrades scales and makes scale armor.

Glass Blower:
Makes glasses, glass weapons and items.

Clay Shaper:
Makes clay items, which are fired in the kiln.

Cloth Cutter:
Unravel cloth into thread, make clothing sets.

Wood Carver:
Makes wooden items from planks/blocks.

Bone Chipper:
Makes bone items and weapons.

Wicker Weaver:
Makes wicker from plants, uses said wicker for furniture and blocks.

Trap Setter:
Makes mechanisms and trap parts; upgrades trap parts.

Breeding Warrens:
Use female workers to spawn new kobold babies. They are fully grown in only one year.

Burn items to clear stockpiles and create ash/co*ke.

Booze Burner:
Make fuel from alcohol.

Training Room:
Use training weapons to raise military skills.

Control the weather. Rain is especially good at putting out fires!

☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019 Updated 24th Nov 2021 (8)

Succubiby Boltgun

A race of seductive humanoids acting as an extension for the escaped entities of vanilla DF. Their goal is to reshape the world into their own twisted image for their master. The demons employ an inefficient industry and cannot produce good metals, but their summoned entities combined with their ability to seduce foes into their side will provide the extra resources and artillery needed to succeed.

They are immune to heat so fire and magma are not a danger. Magma can be produced manually and act as a vital resource, powering most of their signature workshops.

Workshops & Furnaces


Magma Well:
Will let you fill nearby holes with magma. Channel some areas around the well then run a job, instant fuel.

Summoning portal:
Spawns creatures. Check the description of each job for more info on the result.

Den of iniquity:
Will turn nearby non succubi into hybrids demons who will instantly join your cause.

Underworld drill:
Generates free slade blocks and boulders.

Floating glass furnace:
Produces glass blocks and windows in great quantities.

Red/Blue portals:
Provides instant transportation between two spots of your map.

Brick oven:
Produces colored bricks.

Burns body parts and vermin for ash and free refuse space.

Produces gem crafts and furniture.

Bone carver:
Produces bone crafts and furniture.

☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019 Updated 24th Nov 2021 (9)

Orcsby Smakemupagus
Proud warrior race with good fighters and an industry based on raiding, slave-work, hand-crafted well-made items and mass-produced shabbily-made items.

Workshops & Furnaces


Tribal Warcrafter
Orcish Factory
Molten Pit
Blacksmoke Furnace
Damasc Forge
Ashlander Glassblower
Ancient Foundry

Raiders Drydock
Freelancers Guild

Fluid Caster

Dismemberment Theater
Blood Bowl Pitch
Sparring Pit

Ghetto Overseer
Dwarf Labor Cell
Elf Labor Cell
Human Labor Cell

Goblin Sawmill
Goblin Quarry
Goblin Tinkerer
Goblin Muckraker

Kobold Poisoner
Kobold Thief
Kobold Textile Hut
Kobold Bonescrimmer

Caravanserai General Bazaar
Caravanserai Farmers Market
Caravanserai Arms Dealer
Caravanserai Shadowbroker

Auxill Outpost
Orc Outpost
Human Outpost
Dwarf Outpost
Elf Outpost

☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019 Updated 24th Nov 2021 (10)

Humansby Meph
Neutral traders and craftsmen. Humans thrive on the surface, building large castles, guildhalls and farms. Their main driving focus is commerce, trading produce for coin, coin for new produce... ah, good old capitalism! Guild control the market however and you need to buy your way in, establishing larger and larger guild halls to unlock more workshops.

Workshops & Furnaces


Cook Guild
All things brewing and cooking. Allows mass-brewing of drinks, aging cheese and wine, and making fuel from booze.

Carpenter Guild
All things wood. Makes wooden blocks for more constructions, breaks apart unwanted wooden furniture to reclaim the logs, and makes new items out of special woods found deep in the caverns.

Academic Guild
Chemists and Alchemists unite! Soap making, blackpowder for guns, wildfire for bombs, metal transmutation and more.

Smith Guild
All things metal! Create steel and mithril, mass-smelt ores, increase the quality of armors and weapons.

Mason Guild
All things stone! Create color-coded blocks, rock armory and weaponry, restore found fossils and relics to former glory.

Engineer Guild
All things tech! Steam engines produce power, mint coins for easier trading, build cannons and siege engines.

Farmer Guild
Herbalists unite! Unlocks the screw-press, create poisons from plants, breed your own war-dogs and make wicker furniture and blocks.

Fisher Guild
Fish farming made easy. Build indoor pools to farm fish, eel, oyster and turtles.

Merchant Guild
The hub of commerce! Call for more migrants, diplomats and caravans and exchange coin nominations.

Jeweler Guild
All things shiny! Work with gems and glass to make new items, weapons and armors with them.

Tanner Guild
All things leather! Tan scales, shells and chitin into armor, upgrade them, or create entire armor-sets.

Clothier Guild
All things textile! Dye cloth, upgrade cloth types, create cloth-padded furniture, clothing sets and unravel cloth or thread.

Local Merchants
15 different merchant stalls that buy and sell basic goods for gold. Be it wood, stone, gems, ore, metal, pets, food, drinks, leathers, clothing, armors, weapons, ranged weapons or trap-components.

Foreign Merchants
8 different merchants from different races, Human, Dwarf, Elf, Kobold, Orc, Goblin, Succubi or Necromancer, offering different items unique to their civs. Be it muskets, tungsten warhammers, clay crafts, poisons, captured prisoners, summoned monsters...

Foreign Workshops
8 different craftsmen from different races, Human, Dwarf, Elf, Kobold, Orc, Goblin, Succubi or Necromancer, offering different services unique to their civs. Be it forging, brewing, crafting, summoning and casting spells...

Write books for your library sections. Once you have 10 on any given topic, you can build a library (workshop) with it.

Six library sections, of warfare, mind&body, farmwork, crafting, smithing&engineering and philosophy. They instantly give any dwarf reading up on a skill a basic knowledge in it. Good for migrants and militias.

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☼MASTERWORK☼ (44.12) - DF2019  Updated 24th Nov 2021 (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.