Rainmaker, The | Reelviews Movie Reviews (2025)

A movie review by James Berardinelli

It has been several years since I've read a book by John Grisham (I believe the last one was The Client). After three or four of Grisham's novels, I grew tired of the predictable repetitiveness and contrived suspense of the narratives. As a result, the intelligence and subtlety of The Rainmaker took me by surprise. I don't know if this isbecause the novel is better than any of the prolific lawyer-turned-author's previous efforts, or ifFrancis Ford Coppola has performed a near-miracle in transforming the written pages into ascreenplay. Whatever the case, The Rainmaker stands above any other filmed Grishamadaptation, including A Time to Kill, the former holder of that title.

In order to make an appealing movie with a lawyer as the protagonist, it's necessary to come upwith a villain who can make even an attorney look good. In this case, Grisham has found one -- abig-time, sleazy insurance company. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the main character in TheRainmaker has his heart in the right place. Sure, Rudy Baylor (Matt Damon) may be anambulance-chaser, but that's only an unfortunate fact of life. He's one of the few who doesn't allowthe realities of practicing law to corrupt his sense of ethics.

Rudy went to law school because he believed all the myths about helping people. But, because hisfamily had no high-placed connections, graduation found him waiting tables to pay off his studentloans, rather than going to work for a prestigious firm. Eventually, Rudy hooks up with theMemphis-based ambulance-chasing outfit of Bruiser Stone (Mickey Roarke), where he's partneredwith Deck Shiffler (Danny DeVito), a "para-lawyer" who knows the ropes but has failed the barexam six times. Rudy is sent to the local hospital to search for new clients. What he finds insteadis a young woman, Kelly Riker (Claire Danes), who has been severely beaten by her husband. Theattraction between Rudy and Kelly is immediate and obvious, but she's afraid to file for divorce forfear that her husband will kill her. Pretty soon, Rudy and Deck feel the heat as a Federal probecloses in on Bruiser, so, together with only about $10,000 between them, they open up their ownoffice.

Meanwhile, Rudy is working on his first big case: suing an insurance company for failing to makegood on a claim owed to his client, a leukemia patient, Donnie Ray Black (Johnny Whitworth).When the inevitable happens and Donnie Ray dies, it becomes a wrongful death suit, with Rudyrepresenting Donnie Ray's mother, Dot (Mary Kay Place), against a host of high-priced suits ledby Leo F. Drummond (Jon Voight). But the judge, Tyrone Kipler (Danny Glover), is a fair man,and allows Rudy some latitude in presenting his case. As Rudy puts it, "I'm alone, I'm…outgunned… but I'm right."

The Rainmaker keeps the in-trial showmanship to a minimum. While it's virtuallyimpossible to film a courtroom drama where there aren't at least a few tricks and unexpected legalmaneuvers, The Rainmaker does a good job of downplaying these so that they're nevertoo difficult to swallow. (Besides, what fun would it be if there were no surpriseswhatsoever?) The ending is also low-key, with no embarrassing Scent of a Woman display. At no time does thecourtroom erupt into spontaneous applause, nor does judge Danny Glover ever have to threaten toclear the room. As an added bonus, Rudy and Deck are actually shown acting nervous andinexperienced in court. They make numerous gaffes, occasionally stumble over their words (ortheir feet), and generally appear like first-timers, which they are.

In a recent interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer's Steven Rea, Coppola stated that hewas tired of being labeled a "gun for hire," a term used to refer to him when describing hisinvolvement in the studio projects Jack and The Rainmaker. Coppola noted that he wrote and directed The Rainmaker because he was engrossed by the book and saw parallels between Rudy's struggles as a young lawyer and hisown early years as a film maker. Coppola also emphasized that he loved making the movie, anddidn't see it as just a source of quick cash.

For the most part, The Rainmaker is really a character study of Rudy. Everything in thefilm – his relationship with Kelly, his courtroom struggles, and his growing involvement with hisclients – is designed to highlight his development as an individual. In the lead role, Matt Damondoes a fine job portraying the uncertainty of someone who believes he has the moral high ground,but realizes that his lack of experience could lose the case. Danny DeVito is perfect as the morecynical, financially-driven Deck, providing occasional moments of comedy to break TheRainmaker's tension. Claire Danes is heartbreaking as Kelly, the young wife who has lost allof her dreams in a sea of pain and bruises. The supporting cast is solid, with turns from anuncredited Danny Glover, Virginia Madsen as a witness for the plaintiff, Teresa Wright as Rudy'slandlady, and Roy Scheider as the CEO of the insurance company.

The Rainmaker is not without missteps – for example, the latter stages of Rudy andKelly's relationship seem rushed, as does the ending. Overall, however, this is a well-made,absorbing motion picture that seems a lot shorter than its 140-minute running length. Unlike manyof the other films based on a Grisham book, this one is interested in telling a story rather thanambushing the audience with cheap contrivances. It's an intelligent and thoughtful approach, andthe focus on character and legitimate drama makes this a surprisingly-strong late-Novemberrelease.

Rainmaker, The (United States, 1997)

Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Cast:Matt Damon, Teresa Wright, Dean Stockwell, Andrew Shue, Roy Scheider, Mickey Roarke, Virginia Madsen, Mary Kay Place, Danny Glover, Jon Voight, Danny DeVito, Claire Danes, Johnny Whitworth
Screenplay: Francis Ford Coppola based on the novel by John Grisham
Cinematography: John Toll
Music: Elmer Bernstein
U.S. Distributor: Paramount Pictures

Run Time: 2:20
U.S. Release Date: 1997-11-21
MPAA Rating: "PG-13" (Profanity, Violence)
Subtitles: none
Theatrical Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1


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Rainmaker, The | Reelviews Movie Reviews (2025)
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