Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (2024)

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Where is the 5 digit code (setup)?

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Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (1)


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‎07-25-202008:36 PM - last edited 2 weeks ago by Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (2)TheLegend27

I’m trying to set up my Quest, and the iPhone app says to enter the 5 digit code displayed-but there is no code. How do I find this code?

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Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (3)


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In response to daniel.zhaafar


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‎12-16-202101:35 PM

I found it in Quick Settings/ Settings ( upper left ) / About ( very bottom ) / Pairing Code. ( very bottom )

Ya gotta scroll to the very, very bottom of the About list. I don't know why this is so hard. I just spent an hour trying to pair one device. wtf

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Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (4)

Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (5)MetaQuestSupport

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In response to DRMtyer


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‎06-24-202410:19 AM

Hello there, @DRMtyer! We wanted to reach back out and see if you are still having issues getting your 5-digit code. Please reach back out to us via private message if you are still needing assistance. We hope to hear from you soon!

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Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (6)


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‎07-26-202009:29 AM

Here is your answer, Just follow the instructions at this link, Good Luck and Have fun



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Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (7)


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‎07-26-202008:02 PM

Mushroomies said:

Here is your answer, Just follow the instructions at this link, Good Luck and Have fun


He has the iphone app though, not Android.


Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (8)


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‎07-26-202011:07 PM

Okay, Here is a link where this guys connects to a Iphone
He says he had to get a download from the Apple store for it.
You may understand it better than me since I do not own a IPhone



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Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (9)

Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (10)nalex66



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‎07-27-202004:15 AM

It’s been a while since I’ve done it, but doesn’t the 5-digit code display in the headset?

DK2, CV1, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3.

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‎07-27-202010:26 AM

nalex66 said:

It’s been a while since I’ve done it, but doesn’t the 5-digit code display in the headset?

That is what I have seen in Tutorials but I really don't know because I own a Rift


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‎08-04-202004:24 PM

It is supposed to display but it doesn't on my Quest.


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‎01-17-202112:27 PM

yep, i remove my oculus app and i want to pair with my headset but i don't know where is it. in settings there is nothing about code. so where can i see it. first time i saw the code, but now, when i turn on oculus quest its just turn on. no code again.


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Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (14)


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‎01-23-202107:38 AM

Why is it giving me 6 digits cold and headset and 5 digit code on oculus app


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Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (15)


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‎02-14-202108:30 PM

i have the app on Chromebook how do i find the 5 digit code


Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (16)

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Where is the 5 digit code (setup)? (2024)
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